Wanted: Percussionists to accompany music in church

The drum and various percussion instruments enhance music when it is played and part of this is due to the fact that it captures the rhythms of our heart. The church owns various percussion instruments already but we do not have anyone to play them. Are there individuals in this church who would like to pick up one of these instruments from time to time. We are not looking for complicated rhythms; we are looking for those who would like to “go with the beat” and occasionally accompany our singers. It is difficult for singers to hold their music and wield a percussion instrument at the same time so a pair, or extra pairs of hands would be much appreciated.

What is involved basically is being familiar with the melody (we have links that will allow you to listen to the whole anthem in the comfort of your home)  and maybe 15 minutes of your time at one choir rehearsal and to arrive at 9 am for a Sunday dress rehearsal with the choir.  On other occasions when the choir is not singing, it would be great to have some percussion accompanying the hymns we sing at our Sunday service. If you think you would be interested and could help out in this area from time to time, please speak to Esther Nui (esthernui@gmail.com) phone: 802-434-3373) or Jen Lawson at the church (church@rccucc.org phone: 802-434-2053). Thank you very much.