Peace Vigil: 14 years and still going strong!
Have you ever driven by the church on Thursday between 5:30-6:00 pm and wondered what was going on? The Peace Vigil began in 2004 in response to the United States’ military invasion in Iraq. Fourteen years later the Peace Vigil is still going strong. Founding members Ingrid Cichoski (Richmond), Carol & John LaRue (Underhill), and occasionally some others, can be found each Thursday holding signs for peace. They are there in the sunshine and the snow. Unfortunately, there are just as many reasons to have the vigil today as when it began. Some drivers smile and wave, others honk, a few slow down their cars and roll down the windows to say, “Thank you for doing this,” while others drive right on by seemingly without noticing. John LaRue, riffing on the famous quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. says, “The arc of history bends towards justice, but not on its own.”
The Peace Vigil is a reminder of our need for peaceful relationships within our hearts, our homes, and our world. The hope and desire for peace transcends religious traditions and national boundaries. Psalm 34:14, a scripture shared by the Jewish and Christian faith, reminds us to “seek peace and pursue it.” On July 19 we held a Peace Vigil and Potluck Picnic where we were joined by several Richmond community members. The Peace Vigil gathers every Thursday and new members of all ages are always welcome. So come on down to the corner of Bridge & Church Streets and join us!
Upcoming events:
- Worship Sundays August 5, 12, and 19 at 9:30 am
- Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday August 15, 12-6pm
- Lake Monsters Game & Fireworks Saturday, August 18 – for more information call the church office 434-2053
- Blessing of the Backpacks & Briefcases Sunday August 26 at 10:00 am
- 93rd Annual Round Church Pilgrimage, Sunday September 2 at 10:00 am
- Chicken Pie Supper, Wednesday, October 3, tickets go on sale in September