
Annual Stewardship Campaign

In order to support our ministry and mission, it is important that we have an understanding of our church finances.  Where does our money come from? Where does it go?


Here at Richmond Congregational Church, United Church of Christ we proclaim: Love God, Seek Peace, Build Community, Welcome All. What does this mean to you? How you are being called to help live into this message? One of the blessings of conducting an annual Stewardship campaign is the opportunity to reflect on what it is that we love about our church, what it brings to our lives, and what we may choose to bring of ourselves in return. In what ways might you share your gifts of time, talent and treasure? 

Why Should I Pledge?

Ingrid and Barb working at the Rummage Sale

In order to plan for the coming year, the Trustees need an understanding of our potential income. This why we conduct our annual Stewardship Pledge Campaign. As you know, many members and friends donate their time and talents here at RCC. These are wonderful gifts, but we also need those gifts of “treasure” (financial support) to sustain our good works for the future.

How Much Should I Pledge?

Only you can answer the question about the estimated giving level for your family and your situation. The Stewardship committee has challenged us to prayerfully consider our pledges and whether we might increase those amounts for the coming year.

Harriet and Sylvia arriving at Chicken Pie Supper

How Do I Pledge?

  • Make a decision about the amount that you would like to pledge.
  • Decide whether to pay your pledge all at once, quarterly, monthly or weekly.
  • Complete and return a pledge form (email to request a form).
  • Pay your pledge by cash or check, or make payments online by clicking HERE. Online payments may be made as one-time payments or set up as recurring payments from your bank account or credit card.

Thank you for your generosity and support of the Richmond Congregational Church’s Ministry and Mission. No matter how big or small the amount of time, talent, and treasure you pledge to the church, we appreciate your gifts.