Sunday, April 15, 2018
A word from our Guest Preacher, Rev. Josh Simon
Thank you for hosting me this Sunday. I love visiting different churches in the United Church of Christ. Eastertide is upon us. Again, we worship the risen Christ. Again, we sing songs of resurrection, joy, and hope. Again, we are reminded that Jesus’ teachings were not defeated but instead were reinvigorated. His resurrection shed a light on his teachings. In fact, in our scripture passage for Sunday amid a resurrection story, he again teaches to two disciples who were on their way out of Jerusalem. He teaches us the importance of breaking bread with one another. ~ Josh
Josh Simon is the Associate Pastor at First Congregational Church in Essex Junction. He is originally from Wisconsin. In 2016, he graduated from Chicago Theological Seminary. He’s been a pastoral intern in Chicago and Santa Fe, NM, and before arriving to Vermont, he was a chaplain at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, IL. He is passionate about social and economic justice. His primary mission to and in the church is to help empower youth to be disciples of Christ.