Dampp Chaser for Piano Needed

It would be great if we could have  a Dampp Chaser installed  in our church piano. This piano has served the church very well and is, on the whole, a great instrument to play. However, like most of us, the piano is aging and does need maintenance if it is going to continue to serve us well. It has had a recent overhaul of its innards but could use more attention now. A Dampp Chaser is basically a piano treatment system that maintains the humidity of the piano; too dry and we run the risk of cracking the sound board; too damp and the piano just retunes itself as the wood expands and the strings slip a little, totally undoing what the piano tuner has done.

Like all medical treatments, the dampp chaser piano treatment system costs about $500 to install because it requires a piano technician to purchase the parts and execute the installation. The church has a little money (about $150) to start the fund for the dampp chaser. It would be wonderful if some of us could make a little donation toward this fund. If you think you could help please write Piano Maintenance on your check or either see Esther Nui (esthernui@gmail.com tel: 802-434-3373) or Jen Lawson at the church (church@rccucc.org tel: 802-434-2053). Thank you very much.