Sunday School Returns!
Sunday School (Pre-K & Elementary) is making a long-awaited return this fall! Our plan is to have 1-2 lessons per month and tentatively a couple of joint service activities with the middle school group. We…
Fall Rummage Sale
We will be holding a Rummage Sale in the Richmond Congregational Church Fellowship Hall on Friday, September 29 from 10 am – 7 pm, and Saturday, September 30 from 9 am – 1…
RCC Hosts Red Cross Blood Drive
You’re invited to the Red Cross Blood drive being held on Aug 2nd at the Richmond Congregational Church, 20 Church St. from 1pm to 6pm. Their is a critical need for blood this…
See our recent newsletters!
CLICK HERE to view any of our most recent weekly newsletters and see what’s happening at RCC and our wider community.
Peace Vigil – Thursdays at 5:30 pm
In case you don’t know about our Peace Vigil, here are some pertinent facts: We meet every Thursday at the front walk of the church between 5:30 and 6 p.m. We hold signs…
RCC short term meal site after floods
After the storms and floods of July 11th, Richmond Congregational Served as Short-Term Meal Site and drop center – providing meals and non-perishable foods for those affected by flooding in the Richmond, Bolton,…
Free Watermelon at July 4th Celebration
Come visit Richmond Congregational Church’s Watermelon Booth at the Richmond Independence Day Celebration! We’ll be handing out free watermelon at Volunteer’s Green after the parade. No matter who you are or where you…
It’s great news that the Richmond Congregational Church has joined Vermont InterfaithAction! The next step is to get all of those in the congregation who want to focus on oneof VIA’s current issues…
Rummage Sale Success!
Thank you to all of our volunteers and to those who donated items for our sale! We had a record-breaking turnout this fall, with 13 free shopping vouchers redeemed, and $3,707.86 in sales.
Volunteers Needed!
We are still looking for volunteers to prepare chickens and gravy for our November 6th Chicken Pie Supper. We provide the chickens! CLICK HERE for details and to sign up. Now is the…