Pastor’s Messenger Article – March 2018

 For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. – Hebrews 3:4

Dear Friends in Christ,

As I write to you, it is less than 24 hours from departing for Nosra, Costa Rica for a mission trip. Volunteers going from RCC include Isabel & Kathryn Wysockey-Johnson, Cindy & Julia Preston, Ken & Nancy Remsen, Nathan Sadler, and myself. You can follow our trip’s progress at

While in Costa Rica, we will be working with Mercy Home Ministries  (MHM) to construct two houses to families selected by the MHM team – Berta & Gerzon and Jeffry, Katia and their three children. These families have been living in inadequate homes without other means to improve their situations. They will have torn down their current shacks, the foundations should be ready when we arrive, and these families will be trusting in the outcome of the promised house. Often the families and sometimes neighbors help out in the building if their work schedules allow.

Nosara is known for surfing and yoga, but the area is not immune to poverty. Maximo Cisneros, MHM’s founder, used to work for Habitat for Humanity in Central America, and observed that there needed to be a way to improve the lives of people who couldn’t even afford a Habitat for Humanity home with a small mortgage. He got architectural designs made, and the “Casa Misericoridia” was born. The simple design has a poured concrete foundation, plyrock (mix of gypsum and woodchips) paneled walls, and a corrugated metal roof. The houses are brightly painted and have electricity, simple plumbing, doors and windows. So far, MHM has built 139 Casa Misericordias in Nosara and San Jose, CR. We will be building #140 & #141. The MHM staff is busy preparing the foundation sites for the houses so that when we arrive we can begin building panels. We will also be building a set of bunk beds for one of the families.

At the end of our work week, we will dedicate each home. We will also present each family with a Spanish/English Bible, a plaque with a selected Bible verse, and other housewarming gifts. Collectively, more than $12,000 has been raised to build these two homes. I’d like to extend a big thank you to Jen Greenwood and Randy Sargent, who have helped keep track of paperwork and finances.

I also ask for your prayers for families receiving new homes, MHM staff, and the trip volunteers – may we all be transformed as we help transform the lives of two families, may we build relationships as well as houses, and may we each rest on the firm foundation of God’s love and grace.

With Peace and Excitement,
