Seeking Your Input

Summer Sabbatical Reconnection & Renewal

How can we find renewal and reconnection as a faith community? What activities and ideas would you like to see at church this summer? This summer while Pastor Katelyn is on sabbatical (July 3-October 9), we would also like to offer opportunities for our faith community to experience a season of renewal, reconnection and refreshment. But we need your ideas and input to make that happen! Should we have an ice cream truck social, a church picnic at the park, a bible study, an outdoor prayer labyrinth, summer service projects? What should RCC do this summer? What would you be interested in participating in?

Throughout the month of March, the RCC Presidential Team is soliciting your ideas for summer activities that will help us plan for the sabbatical time. We will also hold an in person discussion after church on March 20.

Share your ideas with Ernie Buford, Molly Dugan, or Ed Roberts or email them to the Church Office