Sunday Worship 11/25/18

A note from our guest Preacher Marjorie MacNeill:
This weekend – on the last Sunday of the church year before Advent begins – the Christian church celebrates Christ the King Sunday, sometimes known as Reign of Christ Sunday. This image of Jesus may not be the primary way that you think of Him. Many of you know that I am very much a “Jesus as teacher, social worker, and healer” sort of person/pastor. However, “Christ the King” has been an important image for many through the years and on Sunday we’ll talk about why that is and sing some hymns that proclaim Christ’s Kingship. In the Gospel accounts of the New Testament, Jesus was questioned about the Kingdom. We will hear John’s version in which Pilate asks Jesus, “So, are you a king?” Jesus’ answer is basically “yes and no”. And we’ll talk about how churches celebrate Christ the King Sunday. Can you guess when this special day was introduced into the church calendar?  It will be good to be with you again this coming Sunday while Katelyn and Nathan are away for Thanksgiving.
Rev. Marjorie MacNeill