It’s great news that the Richmond Congregational Church has joined Vermont Interfaith
Action! The next step is to get all of those in the congregation who want to focus on one
of VIA’s current issues into the appropriate Local Organizing Committee (LOC). Below is
a list of LOC’s; truly, anyone who is interested is welcome! If you see one you’d like to
attend or find out more about, simply contact Debbie Ingram at debbie@viavt.org or
(802) 310-4625, and she will provide you the info you need.

Affordable Housing/Homelessness LOC is intensely concentrating on persuading the
Governor and legislature to provide emergency shelter to those who are being evicted
from the motel program this month. Our goal is to continue to provide a roof over the
heads of those who need shelter and then to transition them to the new units of
affordable housing which the state is building with the large sums of federal money that
have been allocated for construction and rehab of aging housing options. We have been
meeting every two weeks while seeking to keep folks from being sent out into the
streets, as the situation has been in constant flux. Contact Debbie for info about the
next meeting.

Corrections Reform supports a harm reduction approach to drug use, seeking to
decriminalize and emphasize treatment for substance misuse instead of incarceration.
This group is also influencing a new bill to provide the possibility of parole, with a
judge’s approval, for those serving long prison terms and those sentenced previously to
life without parole. And finally, this group is part of a Stakeholders Group that meets
regularly with the Department of Corrections to weigh in on programs and facilities in
Vermont. Meeting dates and times: These meetings vary month to month depending on
the schedules of the existing members, but are usually Monday or Wednesday
afternoons. The next one is Wed, July 5 th from 4 to 5:30 pm on Zoom.
Racial Justice/Economic Opportunities is focusing on partnering with the group that
developed the Declaration of Inclusion, to convince every municipality in Vermont to
adopt a statement to welcome everyone regardless of race, religion, age, disability,
gender expression, etc. Meetings are usually the second Wednesday of each month,
but we’ve made some changes during the summer – the next meeting is Wed, July 26
from 5:30 pm to 7 pm on Zoom.

Racial Justice/Public Safety concentrates on encouraging ad hoc community groups
in municipalities to use our “Vermont Guide to Community Engagement with Local
Police Departments” to have a meaningful conversation with their Police Chief and
senior officers. The goal is to build trust and mutual respect to make our communities
safe for everyone. Meetings are usually the second Wednesday of the month but during
the summer our schedule is different – the next meeting is Wed, July 5 th from 7 to 8:30
pm as a hybrid, in person at College St Congregational Church in Burlington and on

Immigration group is participating in a national campaign to design and pass a
comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for many
undocumented persons. VIA conducts this work in conjunction with our national
network, Faith in Action, since this is a federal issue. Meetings are the 2 nd Thursday of
each month from 10:30 to 11:45 am. Next meeting is July 13 th on Zoom.
Once again, if you’re interested in any of the above, contact Debbie Ingram at
debbie@viavt.org or (802) 310-4625